Know Yourself
Values, Interests, Personality and Skills (VIPS)
are a set of moral, social or aesthetic principles that is accepted by an individual or the society and has served as a guide to what is good, desirable, or important. For example, one may value personal growth or knowledge while others achievement or challenges. As your values will influence your education and career decisions, it is important for you to know what you value.
Take the Work Values Assessment on the MySkillsFuture student portal. Access the secondary and pre-university assessments respectively. You need to log in into MySkillsFuture student portal before accessing the links.
are attitudes characterised by a need or desire that enables an individual to give specific attention to something that is significant to him/her. For example, when one enjoys a certain activity, one is likely to stay on the task long enough to master the skills needed to do the activity. Think about how you can incorporate your interests into your course of study to help you stay motivated!
are abilities or proficiencies acquired through training and practice. For example, one may have skills in working with data and information, equipment or tools, while others have skills in working well with people. Thinking about what you have done well or situations which you have been successful will help you to identify your skills!
The RIASEC test is a vocational personality assessment tool which profiles your skills and interests.

Also known as Holland's Six Occupational Types of Personality (1950), RIASEC is an acronym which stands for its six dimensions - Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. Find out more here.
Skills |
Interests |
Secondary |
Pre-University |
You can take the RIASEC assessment for interests and skills and see if they converge, or look up matching job roles for your RIASEC profile on the MySkillsFuture students' portal. You need to log in into MySkillsFuture student portal before accessing the links.

is the characteristics and behaviour that make up an individual’s unique adjustment to life. This includes one’s traits, drives, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns. For example, one’s personality will define the way one processes information and makes decisions, or whether one prefers to think or feel about things. Knowing your personality will help you to understand yourself and relate to others better!
There are several free personality profile tools in the market, such as the Myer-Briggs Personality Test administered by 16 Personalities and Truity.