IP2 ECG Cohort Programme
Our Education and Career Guidance (ECG) programme aims to equip students with the relevant knowledge and skills to make more informed decisions about their education and career paths. For our IP2 cohort the programme comprises three customised components to expose students to areas concerning their future decision-making - the IP3 Subject Combinations Talk, Introduction to the ECG Framework, as well as on Building Career Skills Beyond The Classroom.
How might we take a proactive approach to deepen our learning in our areas of interest?

The subject combination talk is a crucial component of ECG exposure. It is designed to help our IP2 students make more informed decisions about their academic pathways. A preliminary engagement with the IP2 cohort about the IP3 curriculum and subject combinations goes beyond simply listing available subjects by delving into various factors which influence subject choice. These include the importance of balancing their interests and aptitudes through emphasising holistic development to guide IP students towards making choices that not only support their academic journey, but contribute to their overall personal growth and future career prospects.
Introduction to ECG Framework
How might we use the framework for more informed decision making on upper IP subject combinations?

For the second component, the IP2 students focus on self-discovery and understanding their personal values, identity and qualities through self-reflection and personality assessments. This scaffolded approach enables the IP2s to gain a clearer understanding of themselves, which then forms the foundation for making choices aligned with their authentic selves. They are also introduced to our one-stop portal for ease of access to ECG resources available to support them on their journey of self-discovery.
Building Career Skills Beyond The Classroom
How might we keep abreast of the changing world of work, to be ready for the future of work?

For the final component, the IP2 will attend a sharing by the SkillsFuture.SG team to gain awareness of the key growth industries in Singapore and the fast-changing future of work. Additionally, they learn about the importance of developing soft skills, as well as the development of digital literacy and 21st century competencies essential for career success in the modern, technology-driven workplace. Through early exposure to these key developments, we aim to promote greater student agency amongst the IP2 students in creating practical action plans that complement their academic knowledge as they envision their future. Overall, this will make them well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the modern workplace.