Start Here
Congratulations! Class of 2024
The GCE A-Level is not the destination. It is part of the process of learning and growing. Before you embark upon your next higher education journey, think about What you want to do? Who you want to be? Where do you want to go? and How do you get there?
Student Info Deck: Contains FAQs, Tips for selecting universities/courses

What's Next:
These are some sites which you can access to help you find greater clarity:
MySkillsFuture Portal Self-assessment tools | Singapore Industry Landscape
National Youth Council: A Day in the life of ... (Career videos) | Concise Industry Information
To further support your post-As journey, a team of TJC alumnus has released two seasons of podcasts and a series of written articles covering local and overseas universities, various majors and scholarships with the seniors and teachers, you can check out their podcasts here!