Undergraduate Scholarships
As you come to the end of your JC journey, it is now time for you to start actively planning ahead and thinking about your post-JC aspirations!
Watch this video to understand some of the benefits applying for a scholarship may bring!
A scholarship might be one way for you to support your post-JC aspirations, but many students choose not to explore this option because of these five scholarship myths:
I must stay with my scholarship agency forever!
I must work for the government.
I must be a top scorer!
I must enrol in specific university courses that are determined by scholarship agencies.
I can think about scholarships after I get my 'A' Level results.
Click here to dispel these myths and start living your best life; access the list of scholarship providers and start exploring the many available scholarships you can apply for!
You can also navigate to the resources page to access e-magazines and an in-house application guide for the BrightSparks Portal!